Forums - JoJo the forgotten capcom game Show all 28 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- JoJo the forgotten capcom game ( Posted by strider hiryu 002000 on 04:25:2001 04:34 PM: i mean almost all of capcoms fighting games were basicly worshiped on the ground their arcade bases were on...."almost"all then theirs the forgotten game the red headed stepchild of the capcom brady bunch....then....theirs JoJo. poor poor little jojo but to be honest i dont think i even played that game if anybody did tell me how it is it looked great i mean its a capcom game so it cant be compleatly garbage i mean CAPCOM make a bad game NEVER(reisdent evil survivor)but any way if some one out their in liked the game tell me about it and if some one thought it was the worst peice of shit that ever came out the rectum of capcom tell me that too ok love peace and chicken greese ~fin~ Posted by Mister Fixer on 04:25:2001 04:40 PM: Jojo was fun, but simple. It had reasonable character design but not very many characters... Ultimately, it was forgettable. The stand system, by which you call in a helper-type character to assist you for a limited amount of time may have been the precursor to MvC's and later MvC2's helper systems. Posted by JuliJuniper on 04:25:2001 04:46 PM: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure JoJo's Bizarre Adventure rocked in my opinion! I really enjoyed that game for both the single and multiplayer options. It was new, different, wacky and had a great deal of style, plus it had an innovative system. If I ever get my posts up to 50, I've got a sprite from JoJo's I'm going to use. Posted by Mister Fixer on 04:25:2001 04:49 PM: Don't worry Juli... You WILL get to 50. We all have faith in you. Sniffle... Sniffle... Be strong, brother. Posted by Ryu-Kyo on 04:25:2001 04:50 PM: d I really did not care for that game as much as other Capcom games. Posted by JuliJuniper on 04:25:2001 06:01 PM: quote: Originally posted by Mister Fixer Don't worry Juli... You WILL get to 50. We all have faith in you. Sniffle... Sniffle... Be strong, brother. Hah! Well I'll certainly try, eh? Posted by Neo Rasa on 04:25:2001 06:06 PM: I still play it to this day and am still doing new thing with it. It's only problem is that for a CPS3 game, it sure as hell LOOKS like a CPS2 game. Posted by rook on 04:25:2001 06:12 PM: I think the game is a lot more interesting if you are a fan of the manga. Well, at least I hope so :) Posted by moonslash-dan on 04:25:2001 06:15 PM: i loved jojo's, its better if you saw the anime and know what it was about. the PSX version had an awesome story mode though. it was different.....unfortunately, no one really played it......the first thing that caught my eye in the game and made me want it was when you do 'the world' super and unleash like nine supers on someone.... Posted by Mika on 04:26:2001 07:08 PM: I used to own it, it was ok but I sold it and bought something else. Posted by Don Knotts on 04:26:2001 07:35 PM: I'm glad they made the game. The one player mode was very innovative, with a weird "race to the finish" style mid boos/bonus game, and an interesting final boss battle. The stand sytem was also interesting. But the character design really put me off. The drawings and animation were awsome, but the style itself really put me off. They faces! Yuck! And so many ribbons and shirts flapping around. It's just not my cup of tea. The sequel to the game, however, looks very cool. Cell shaded graphics, 3D gameplay, tons of innovation. It's a sure buy for those looking for something new. Posted by JuliJuniper on 04:26:2001 07:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by Don Knotts The sequel to the game, however, looks very cool. Cell shaded graphics, 3D gameplay, tons of innovation. It's a sure buy for those looking for something new. Sequel? I just recently purchased JoJo's Bizarre Adventure for the DC for $15. Is there a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 2 out? I thought Bizarre Adventure was the sequel. Maybe we're talking about the same game. Posted by Don Knotts on 04:26:2001 07:48 PM: No there is a sequel to JoJo coming out, I think for Dreamcast, that has all new characters with 3D, cell shaded graphics (Jet Grind Radio). It seems to be more story based, kind of like a 3D River City Ransom. I'll go to capcom japan and see it I can find the screen shots. Posted by Don Knotts on 04:26:2001 07:55 PM: Posted by Ryu1999 on 04:26:2001 08:07 PM: that looks SHWEET. hope they tweak the gameplay as well as the graphics... Posted by Don Knotts on 04:26:2001 08:35 PM: It's the only new fighting game I'm really excited about. I've always wondered why their where no RPGs with real time, SF style fighting. Hopefully this will be the one. It might just turn out to be a Powerstone rip. That would suck Posted by Ryu-ism on 04:26:2001 09:24 PM: JoJo is fun for what it is worth, but you wanna talk forgotten....Ever heard of a Capcom fighter by the name of Red Earth? heh Posted by JuliJuniper on 04:26:2001 10:04 PM: quote: Originally posted by Don Knotts Thank you for the URL. Erm ... well I gotta say that I'm not really liking it just from what I saw at that page. I really liked the anime style of the original arcade game more. Sorry, I just love Midler too much! Hehe. Posted by Don Knotts on 04:27:2001 08:31 PM: Yeah, this new game really has a look all it's own. If Jojo one had done better, they might have made more of an upgrade style sequel instead of this new direction. I can see why fans of the comic would be disapointed with this. Especialy because cell shading is pretty much the polar opposite of the black and white, heavy hatching look of the comic. Still though, it might be fun. It definatly looks diffrent. Posted by Visanity on 04:27:2001 10:44 PM: iam trying get 50 Posted by Visanity on 04:27:2001 10:45 PM: 50post Posted by Visanity on 04:27:2001 10:46 PM: Chunnie is * shorty you're my angel Chunnie on #capcom Chunnie using irc.Prison.NET [] The server that ALL our BASE be chunnie End of /WHOIS list. - Posted by Hero on 04:27:2001 11:01 PM: Never played Jojo myself, but the sequel looks interesting. Has anyone ever thought cel-style 3D is a new technique that REALLY needs to be abused, or is it just me? Like imagine a cel-style Power Stone or Rival Schools... Posted by The Orochi on 04:27:2001 11:04 PM: I would like 50 posts too. And JoJo's Bizzare Adventure was a sweet game but the Second to last boss if I remember correctly was near impossible. P.S. Correct me if I'm wrong on that. Posted by on 04:27:2001 11:31 PM: The sequel is for even says so on the page in english text. The game was announced a few months ago... Posted by The Fearless Decoy on 04:27:2001 11:35 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Orochi And JoJo's Bizzare Adventure was a sweet game but the Second to last boss if I remember correctly was near impossible. P.S. Correct me if I'm wrong on that. Yeah, Iced was a pisser, due to his only attack being an unblockable energy ball/charge that took 1/3 of your life each hit. But he was beatable, once you learned how to avoid it. Also, Iggy was the sh*t. Period. Posted by JL tha Infamos on 04:28:2001 03:48 AM: Yeah Jojo's Bizzare Adventure is my favorite 2d fighter and my favorite comic series. For those not in the know the game was based off of series 3 of the comic. The new Jojo game in the making is going to be a 3d Final Fight type beat em up and is based on series 5 staring Giorno Giovana, who is the son of Dio. And Iced is easy once you learn how to consistanly roll. Posted by JuliJuniper on 04:28:2001 04:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by The Fearless Decoy Yeah, Iced was a pisser, due to his only attack being an unblockable energy ball/charge that took 1/3 of your life each hit. But he was beatable, once you learned how to avoid it. Oh heck, he's the easiest character in the game! Just take your stand off and press all three attack buttons to dash. While dashing you're invincible, so you just dash thru the energy ball. All times are GMT. The time now is 09:33 PM. Show all 28 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.